Thursday, November 29, 2007

14! F O U R T E E N ! ! ! !

I got fourteen catalogs in the mail yesterday.

Four-fuckin'-teen. In one day. That is a record for me.

Thirteen are in the recycling bin, which is going to be very hard to lift come trash day because I've been getting LOTS of catalogs every day for the last few weeks. (I should just take the recycling out every week, but I'm too lazy. I just wait until it gets full.)

I got six today. Five are in the recycling bin. The sixth, I'm going to look at tonight to decide whether I want to go to the LL Bean store. Then that's going into the bin too.

So... in two days I'll have put 19 catalogs in the trash.

Yes, I know all this heavy math is overwhelming. But that's because I still can't freakin' believe I got 14!!! catalogs in one day.

Useful Spanish of the day


  1. You could do what I do and call each company you're not interested in and ask them to take you off their mailing list. The effect on your mail volume is noticable if you keep doing that for several months.

  2. I used to do this. What I discovered, though, is that the minute you order anything from any company, you'll start getting at least a half-dozen other catalogs... including the ones that took you off their list before.

    Since I do a lot of mail-order, it adds up quickly.

    What's even more stymieing is the ones that issue a catalog twice a month or more during this time of year. Guys, if you send me one catalog I'll hold onto it if I'm interested. If you send me more, I'm going to remember that I already have one, and the rest go into the recycle bin.

    It's not a problem for me to put them in the recycling bin, but I hope these companies smarten up and start sending postcards instead with a few choice items pictured on the front and an URL. That'd be cheaper for them and a lot greener.

  3. PS - I would have had to call 19 different companies in two days! I'd rather let them waste their own time and money. That way I can laugh and blog about them instead. :)


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