Friday, November 2, 2007


Due to some confusing behavior from Blogger, it appears that if you open the Compose window at 10:42 pm on 11/1 and then finish (and post to blog) a few hours later on 11/2, the timestamp reflects the time you opened the Compose window, rather than the time you hit Publish Post. This could be annoying for people who are participating in NaBloPoMo (or whatever it is called) in earnest.

I tool a look at Blogger's "Settings" options and didn't see a way to correct this. I know I can change the timestamp manually, but the whole idea behind timestamps is that you're not SUPPOSED to have to think about them!

Useful Spanish of the day
Nunca iniciar una guerra terrestre en Asia.
(Never start a land war in Asia.)
Inspired by seeing Wallace Shawn in a Stargate:SG1 episode

1 comment:

  1. It's a good thing you're not participating, then!

    Actually, my blog client software does the same thing. I use this piece of software I found years ago that ceased development years ago, but for some reason it's the least annoying blog client software I've ever used.

    If it takes me a long time to post an entry, i have to adjust the timestamp.


Since this blog is pretty close to being dead, I am moderating all comments.