Sunday, September 21, 2008

ABC censors the spirit of John Adams

I figured cyberspace would immediately be full of complaints about ABC cutting off Kirk Ellis, a writer from John Adams, during his acceptance speech. He talked about the importance of having articulate leaders who could articulate complex thoughts in complete sentences. Right after he said that (he wasn't done yet), they went to commercial - which is not what they usually do. He wasn't going overtime with his speech or anything - there wasn't any warning music.

Ahh, here's something. At 9:49. Okay, so it wasn't just me. I just wanted to make sure I saw what I thought I saw.

There had been a few vague political comments throughout the evening. I noticed copious whining about that elsewhere in cyberspace. To those kiddies of all ages, I need to explain that the awards show is given by and for off-duty entertainers who are actual human beings, and not puppets or monkeys. Unlike you, some of them are aware of what's going on in the world and care about it. I'm sorry that you were so upset to find out that they actually have lives and thoughts and words outside of your TV and your celebrity magazines. And I'm sorry that ABC (Disney) is willing to coddle you in your cushy fantasy world.

Ellis's remarks were the only ones that were clearly aimed specifically at Bush.

And now I really want to see John Adams.


  1. The rest of what Ellis was going to say is at

    Supposedly, they started telling him to wrap it up right away - suggesting that the cutoff was due to time constraints. This is doubtful, since not one other winner was cut off.

    I wish those reality show hosts had been cut out entirely. Worst Emmy Hosts Ever.

  2. The executive producer of Recount, Jay Roach, also says he was drowned out by music; I saw this and wouldn't say it was premature. This is what he was going to say: "Recount was about people counting on fair elections, we don’t want to do Recount 2, the sequel. If you really want to change something in America, you have to vote for it or you can’t complain about it." Article here

  3. I didn't watch the Emmys, but I did hear commentary on this on NPR the next day. They actually played the audio of Ellis accepting the award and I have to say I was shocked, even knowing what was coming. Plus, the commercial was about an award for reality TV, which seemed to be an additional insult to intelligence.


  4. I usually don't watch the Emmys. All the good stuff is handed out in the last 15 minutes, and you can read who all the winners were minutes later.

    I'm not sure what possessed me to watch the whole thing this time, but if I hadn't watched it, I doubt that I would have known about this.


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