Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Good News and Bad News!

So, the good news is that I get to keep my job through the rest of the week. The bad news is that most of my coworkers (those who hadn't already quit) were dismissed today. Also, because the company is going out of business, they don't have to offer COBRA. (So they've told us, but we're not going to take their word for it.)

There is a slim but definite chance that what's left of us (I think like six people, plus any remaining accounts that haven't already run screaming into the night) could get bought by the end of the week, in which case my job will probably continue. Joy.

It would have made lots of sense for them to throw in the towel six months ago when we were losing accounts left and right. In fact, at that point, I was hoping to be let go because the stress and insanity and futility were so demoralizing. But our investors hung in there with us and nursed us back to health and waited until we stabilized and showed signs of growth... and then they gave us the finger.

In other news, I wore mismatched shoes to work this morning, and not even for the first time.


  1. Not so much good news as continued instability. Stupid economy! I hope you get some possibility of stability soon. :(

  2. Thanks. Stability would be nice.

    I'm worried about the cost of getting individual health insurance, but on the bright side, I won't have to deal with the extremely shitty Great West Healthcare Open Access Plus plan much longer. (That'll be a whole separate blog post, if I have the stamina to vent that much bile.)

    Tomorrow - literally tomorrow, I'm not just saying that - I was going to call Comcast and get a DVR and upgrade my cable just to the minimum point where I could get Cartoon and Comedy again. (That's still big bucks because I discontinued cable for a while, and now they'll only let you upgrade if you go digital, which means also renting a cable box and crap like that, my outlets are already maxed out, it totally sucks.)

    So, no Adult Swim, no Futurama, and no DVR to hold them all.

  3. Ugh, that's really stressful. I'm sorry to hear it and agree with James about stability.


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